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Prez Sez - October 2023

October 14, 2023

Some reminders for the events in the next month.

We will be traveling to the Blind Butcher on Sunday, October 15th for our lamb feed. If you want to caravan, meet at the theater at Dawley Farms at 12:15 PM and follow caravan leader Jeff Watkins as he takes us on a cruise through Newton Hills and beyond until we arrive at our destination. If you are unable to join the caravan, just meet us there. The caravan will depart Dawley Theater parking lot at 12:30.

We will have a brief business meeting, which will include any nominations for officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) for 2024. Election will be held at the banquet in November.

I would ask that you wait, for a couple of weeks, to pay your dues for 2024. I am hearing that the budget committee is recommending an increase in dues for next year, which will be discussed and voted on at next week’s Board meeting (Oct. 17th). The majority of the surveys we received, indicated the club members were in favor of an increase. I will send out an update after that meeting to let you know what is decided. We normally pay our next year’s dues at the banquet, which we still plan to do.

A reminder about the banquet scheduled for Saturday, November 11th. We are suggesting business casual dress! You may either bring a check to the Blind Butcher to reserve your meals for the banquet or mail your check for $30 for a single plate, $60 for a couple to Elaine Robinson, PO Box 994, Mitchell SD 57301. Your “uncashed” check will be returned to you at the banquet when you arrive. If you do not attend the banquet after sending a check, then the check will be cashed. We have to give the Ramada an accurate headcount and we are responsible for the number of plates we order!

We will hold an election of 2024 officers at the banquet and there might be some awards to be handed out. A reminder - no general meetings in November or December, but some awesome ideas are already in the works for projects/get-togethers, etc. for the winter months. The new Prez will update you on that in December!

Save the wave!

Prez Dave


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