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Prez Sez - December 2023

December 3, 2023

Happy Holidays everyone. As the year winds down, this is my last "Prez Sez". It has been a great year thanks to all club

members who were involved in activities, and especially the awesome Board of Directors that I was privileged to work with. Each one went above and beyond in their own way, when asked to do something. 2024 Prez, Denny Robinson, is inheriting a great group to work with. He has some great ideas for 2024 and I look forward to his leadership with this club.

Additionally, thanks to all who attended the banquet on November 11th. We had a great turnout (around 100 members). Our silent auction turned out very well. We sold everything that was set out and you generated $651 for our new charity (The American Legion). We added some items to the auction thanks to the generosity of Wayne and Mary Lou Anderson and Lee Mabee.

Your newly elected officers for 2024 are as follows:

President: Denny Robinson

Past President: Dave Rowe

Vice President: Jeff Watkins

Treasurer: Elaine Robinson

Secretary: Jeff Gifford

CHIPS Editor: Mike Hardy

Historian: Paul Dyke

Sargent at Arms: John Pesicka

Spring Car Show: John Kolander

BHCC: Barry Konken

Racing Events/NCCC: Cheri Beyer

Merchandise: Ryan and Denise Berg


Jen Johnke, Mike Skiles, Mike and Connie Gilbride

2024 President, Denny, has appointed Jen Johnke to help Ryan with the merchandise and appointed Mike Skiles as the event coordinator. Mike and Connie Gilbride will continue in their position as the Buzz Book coordinators. As you can see, most of the Board members offered to stay in their positions for 2024 and were confirmed by the general membership.

We do not have any more general meetings scheduled for this year, however, one last Board meeting will take place on Tuesday, Dec 19th. President-elect Denny has a busy agenda for 2024 and we will be going back to almost monthly meetings of some sort. Following the December Board meeting, Denny will post next year’s dates, including January and February activities.

If you have not paid your 2024 dues yet, you can do so by either of the following methods. You can now go online and pay $125 per couple; $100 for single dues. There is a $5 fee for paying online. Or you can mail it to Sioux Falls Corvette Club, PO Box 994, Mitchell, SD 57301 (direct to Treasurer Elaine), or you can pay at the next event. Thanks to all who paid at the banquet!

Lastly, I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the Sioux Falls Corvette Club members for supporting and promoting the club! It is because of all of you that our club remains vibrant and a fun social club to be a part of!

Thanks again for the opportunity to serve as your President!

2023 Prez,

Dave Rowe


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