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Prez Sez (Board Update)

October 18, 2023

As promised, here are the results of the October Board meeting:


To be held Saturday Nov 11th with the social starting at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:30 with a short program to follow. If you are planning on attending, please RSVP by sending your check for $60 per couple or $30 for a single, to Treasurer Elaine Robinson, PO Box 994, Mitchell SD 57301. You will get your uncashed check back when you arrive at the banquet and the Club will pick up your meal(s). Your check will only be cashed if you do not attend.


The Board voted to increase membership dues for 2024 to $125 per couple/$100 for singles. You can pay this at the banquet, as we usually do. If you will not be there, please mail your dues to Elaine in Mitchell.


The Club’s storage unit on South West Ave was broken into the first week in October, as were several units in the same complex. As far as we know, nothing of value was taken, because we did not have anything of value in it. The Board voted to discontinue the storage unit, which will save the Club the annual rental fee. IF you think there might be something in the storage unit you want, contact John Pesicka, who will be cleaning it out before the end of October.


We are looking at several proposals regarding options for meeting locations in 2024. Costs, service offerings, parking, etc. are under discussion and consideration. At this point, we will still be at the Ramada through the first three months of 2024. We will update you on any changes.


The Board, based on club member recommendations, has voted to change our charity for 2024. Several options were presented and discussed. We chose the local American Legion Post 15, which helps local veterans and their families.


Nominations are now open for the following: If you are interested in a position or know someone who is, please nominate them for that office. We will accept nominations up to the banquet date, at which time we will elect the new slate of officers. At this point, the nominations look like this.

President: Denny Robinson

Vice President: Jeff Watkins

Secretary: Jeff Gifford

Treasurer: Elaine Robinson

BHCC: Barry Konken

CHIPS Editor: Mike Hardy

Historian: Paul Dyke

Merchandise: Ryan Berg

NCCC: Sheri Beyer

Sergeant at Arms: John Pesicka

Spring Car Show: John Kolander

Spring Rally: Glen Hoffer

All for now, we hope to see you all at the banquet on November 11th!

Save the wave!

Prez Dave

Ps: Thank you for your kind generosity this past Sunday at The Blind Butcher as the Club, and it's members, donated $2,500 to assist in finding the cure for the blinding eye disease, Retinitis Pigmentosa. The Blind Butcher donates 100% of tips provided directly to the University of Iowa Institute for Vision Research to assist in funding this debilitating disease of the eye. Learn more of the story at this link:

Watch the video below, taken on October 15, 2023, of a drive through Corvette Lane at the Blind Butcher as our great members gather for fellowship, food and fun!


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