Prez Sez - Lots More to Come!
Thanks to everyone who has attended the SFCC general membership meetings this year as well as the special events. The turnouts for both have been great! Everyone that came had fun. Our latest Drive & Dine to the Buffalo Ridge Brewing Co. in Hartford had a huge crowd and people stayed a long time! Our next event is the Poker Run that has been set up by our Vice-President Hailey Johnke and promises to be a lot of fun. Funds from this poker run will be donated for medical care for Ky, the great-grandson of Mike and Colleen Skiles. I know Mike and Colleen really appreciate everything the SFCC has done for Ky’s benefit this year and this poker run will continue to help him. The date and time appear below.

The Black Hills Corvette Classic (BHCC) is just around the corner. Registration will be on Wednesday, July 17th at Jerry’s starting at 9:00 a.m. Also, the merchandise trailer will be at Jerry’s for your shopping pleasure. Hot Summer Nights will be held at the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds starting at 4:00 p.m. A new and fun guessing game is being provided by Art and Marie Nordstrom. Funds raised from this game will be donated to the SFCC charity, American Legion Post 15.
On Thursday morning, July 18th, the annual Corvette caravan from Sioux Falls to Al’s Oasis will take place with a drivers meeting starting at 8:00 a.m. Donuts and coffee will be available. We will take the same route out of the Fairgrounds like we did last year. Prez Denny will be leading the caravan again. The Corvette Classic starts Thursday night in Spearfish with a mixer and dinner. As usual, there will be many fun activities to participate in. If you haven’t been to the Classic for a while think about attending this year. Unlike the first 50 years, now it is more pleasure than work!
So, here’s a run-down of the rest of the events for 2024:
10 Benefit Poker Run for Mike & Colleen Skiles great-grandson to help with medical costs. Starting at Jerry’s at 9:30 a.m., leaving Jerry’s at 10:00 a.m. with several stops and ending at Jerry’s in the afternoon.
17 Jerry’s Welcome Event & Hot Summer Nights
17-20 Black Hills Corvette Classic in Spearfish
TBD BHCC Review Meeting
2-4 Overnight to the Surf Ballroom for car show and concert – details were emailed just recently.
10 Drive & Dine to the National Music Museum in Vermillion. Meet at Bert’s Sports Bar & Grill in Beresford (just across the street from Jerry’s) for a breakfast brunch. Meet at 9:30, enjoy a breakfast brunch buffet, caravan to the Music Museum for a two-hour guided tour starting at noon. $15 admission fee. Information was sent out in an email “blast” on June 29th. If you signed up previously and can’t go, let Doc know. If you haven’t signed up previously and want to go, let Doc know.
14 Post Black Hills Corvette Classic Picnic – 6:00 p.m. at Falls Park Shelter on N. side of the park - the large one
21 Board Meeting at Look’s Market
24 Corvette Museum Caravan Social
25-30 Corvette Caravan trip to the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY
TBD Drive & Dine to Gatsby’s Speakeasy and Supper Club in Hendricks, MN. Meet in the east parking lot of the Ramkota at 3:00, depart at 3:15. Enjoy a great steak at a small town steak house featuring Prime Rib, Rib Eye and BBQ ribs.
18 Board Meeting at Look’s Market
25 General Membership Meeting at Five Oaks Events Center
13 Drive & Dine to Abdulah’s Roast Lamb Feed (meeting & nominations for 2025 Board). Details to follow.
16 Board Meeting at Look’s Market
9 Annual SFCC Banquet at Five Oaks Event Center
18 Joint Board Meeting with 2024 & 2025 Board and Officers – Change over
Finally, I’ve had several people ask me for the password for the Buzz Book. Here it is: (see CHIPS email to members)
I hope to see everyone at some or all of the above activities!
Save the wave,
Prez Denny