May's Wheels Turning Tour Events
May 11 and May 15
I’ll call our first Drive & Dine to Waddy’s in Hudson a success…at least for the local car washes. Twenty eight SFCC members and two guests enjoyed some nice scenery, a good meal, and great conversation. We pledged Wheels Turning, so here’s what up next.
May is a busy month for graduations, so we’ve scheduled our Drive & Dines early in the month so hopefully you can attend both or at least one of the Wheels Turning events on either May 11 and/or May 15.
Note the change to the meeting place for the May 15 event.
May 11 we’ll meet in the east parking lot of the Ramkota at 5:30 (depart at 6:00) for a prime rib dinner (or order off the menu) at the Prime Time in Madison (204 Egan Ave). The quality is outstanding and the service is great, and for $15 it’s an incredible value. Hope see you there. We’ll take some roads many have not traveled and actually be able to turn the steering wheel a bit for this scenic drive.
May 15. We’ve changed the meeting place to Primrose Retirement Center (7400 S Louise Ave) at 12:30 to accommodate a 30 minute car show for the residents, which includes long time SFCC members Bill & Lana Kullander.
We’ll take I-29 to the Vermillion exit, cross the Missouri River at Vermillion, and follow the Outlaw Scenic Highway along the Nebraska side of the river into Sioux City.
In Sioux City we’ll visit the Palmer Candy Store, home of the Bing and tons of other tempting candies and then on to an early dinner at either the Miles Inn or the Tastee Inn & Out. Both serve great Maid Rite or loose meat sandwiches which go well with a beer or a root beer. Since it will be impossible to keep everyone together in Sioux City I’ve included the addresses of the locations so you can enter them into your Nav
system or print it and put in your glove box.
Palmer Candy Store 2600 Hwy 75 N Sioux City, IA
Tastee Inn & Out 2610 Gordon Drive Sioux City, IA
Miles Inn 2622 Leech Ave Sioux City, IA