SFCC Wheels Turning Tour 2022

Please plan to attend any or all of these great events planned for your club this Corvette driving season!
Please note that Drive & Dines will normally leave Sioux Falls about 6 PM and be about an hour drive, so you can get home before you have to share the road with deer.
Be sure to check the SFCC website Calendar of Events for details on meeting times and places - as more information is available the calendar will be updated.
As always, guests are welcome
April 24 A day trip for Corvettes and Camaros from Jerry’s in Beresford to Vermillion and then to Hartington and Crofton, NE.
May 1 Spring Rally
May 10 Drive & Dine to the Prime Time in Madison for a great Prime Rib dinner.
June 7 Drive & Dine to Waddy’s in Hudson, SD. Nice drive, good food & great Bloody Mary’s.
June 24 SFCC Car show at the Alliance in Sioux Falls. This is a Friday evening Car Show, so it's a little cooler and has great facilities.
June 25 Automania at Valley Springs. All day & evening events, with live music, etc.
June 29 Drive & Dine to Parkston, SD to lead a ten mile parade that will deliver the Vietnam Wall display into Parkston. Each Corvette will have the honor of giving Veterans rides in the parade. We will depart Sioux Falls about 10 AM and return on time for the SFCC membership meeting that evening.
July 13 Hot Summer Nights at the WH Lyon fairgrounds in Sioux Falls.
July 13-17 Black Hills Corvette Classic in Beresford, Sioux Falls and Spearfish.
July 23 Nyberg Ace Hot Classic Nights car show in downtown Sioux Falls
August ?? There are tentative plans to do a picnic at Nordstrom’s and possibly a Day Trip to the Sioux City area, a Poker Run or a Smiles per Gallon run. Watch your email, check the SFCC website.
September 6Drive & Dine to Hole in the Wall in Freeman, SD for the best chislic in SD
Oct 9 or 16 Drive & Dine to the Blind Butcher Brewery for a catered meal and a great photo of Corvettes and Fall Colors.