2018 Fall Adopt-A-Highway
Greetings fellow Club members.

Fourteen volunteers gathered in the Dareo’s Pizza parking lot just before 9:30 am Saturday September 29 th . The names of those volunteers are Brad Brown, Bruce Boyd, Kathy & Dusty Miller, Roger Coon, Stephen Johnson, Denise & Ron Griebel, Warren Huber, Cheryl & Randy Nielsen, Katherine & Jeff Watkins, and Brad Haase. We departed for our adopted section of SD Hwy 115 at 9:30. Four groups, armed with orange D.O.T. approved garbage bags, descended on four miles of ditch. Everyone walked one mile and picked up every single piece of trash in those ditches. Every litter bit counts you know!

With trash safely secured in my pickup, and no volunteers left behind in the ditches, our group arrived back at Dareo’s at 11:00. The staff at Dareo’s had our table waiting and began producing food and drink as we took our seats. The best jokes and stories I have ever heard were told during that lunch. At noon we adjourned and went forth to enjoy the rest of our day. Our Club truly makes the Adopt-a-Highway program all about beautiful people doing beautiful things together.
So another year of Adopt-a-Highway is in the books. Counting both Spring & Fall cleaning, twenty nine different members helped out. Five members made both events. Thanks to all that keep our commitment to reducing ugly and dangerous highway litter and keep our roads clean and safe.