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Fall Color Run

Snow on October 14 didn’t discourage 60+ SFCC members and friends from attending the River Run/Fall Color Run.

Thank you to Jerry’s Chevrolet and Corvette for sponsoring a really nice noon social with appetizers and beverages. The snow disappeared from the roads before 30+SUV’s and Corvettes headed south to drive on two lane roads that parallel the MO. River through Vermillion, Yankton, Springfield and crossed the river into NE at Niobrara. The colors were not the reds and oranges we expected but the snow covered hills did remind us that Mother Nature provides us with a wide variety of scenery. The caravan made two stops along the 150 mile trip, before our dinner stop at JoDeans in Yankton, so there was lots time to socialize. Since our caravan was over half SUV’s, many of the drivers we shared the road with thought we were a funeral procession, so they pulled over and let the entire caravan go through stop signs uninterrupted.

Based on comments from those attending, we do plan to make a Fall Color Run an annual event with new destinations each year. Some potential destinations are Loess Hills in Iowa, the home of Arbor Day in Nebraska City, or Seiche Hollow State Park near Sisseton. If you have other ideas, share them at the next meeting.

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