Prez Sez - It's Going to be a Busy Summer!
We had another great Spring Rally this year! Kudos to Glen & Mick Hoffer, and Mike and Barb Hardy for all their time and
work putting the event together. We ended up at Rooster’s Bar & Grill in Menno for a great meal and awards. Unlike last year, no one had to open up the “panic” envelope!!!
Members are really enjoying the new venue at Five Oaks and the food that is being served. If you haven’t checked it out yet you should!
As many of you know, Ron Kersbergen passed away recently. His funeral was held on Saturday, May 18th and Cindy reports there were 40 Corvettes in the caravan to the cemetery. Rest in peace, Ron.
There are lots of meetings and events yet to participate in this summer, as follows:
12 Drive & Dine to the Buffalo Ridge Brewery in Hartford. Meet in the east parking lot of the Ramkota at 5:30. Depart at 5:45. Corvette Car show and food trucks.
19 Board Meeting at Look’s Market
22 Drive & Dine to the National Music Museum in Vermillion. Meet at Bertz Sports Bar & Grill in Beresford (just across the street from Jerry’s) for a breakfast brunch. Meet at 9:30, enjoy a breakfast brunch buffet, caravan to the Music Museum for a two-hour guided tour starting at noon. $15 admission fee. An article in the CHIPS will explain the details.
26 General Membership Meeting at Five Oaks
TBD Drive & Dine on a Saturday morning to Zebra King Donuts in Centerville
17 Jerry’s Welcome Event & Hot Summer Nights
17 - 20 Black Hills Corvette Classic in Spearfish
TBD BHCC Review Meeting
2 – 4 Overnight to the Surf Ballroom for car show and concert – details forthcoming
10 Benefit Poker Run for Mike & Colleen Skiles great-grandson Ky to help with medical costs
TBD Post Black Hills Corvette Classic Picnic – time and location to be determined
21 Board Meeting at Look’s Market
24 Corvette Museum Caravan Social
25 - 30 Corvette Caravan trip to the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the
National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY
I want to thank everyone who has helped plan an event and/or participated in our SFCC events. It goes without saying you join for the car but stay because of the people.
Save the wave,
Prez Denny