How sweet it is... and Elk Diving?

May kicked off with the well-attended Spring Rally featuring two very interesting courses both ending at the Blue Rock for a great meal and time to socialize. Thank you Greg/Rita Miller and Dave/Jane Mutschelhaus for the countless hours you spent organizing this flawless event.

AND there is more ...

Thanks also go to Paul & Lori Dyke for leading the May 11 Drive & Dine on a scenic route through the Vermillion River valley, along Lake Herman, to the Prime Time for what many described as the best Prime Rib they’ve had in a long time.

On May 15 an absolutely beautiful day greeted about 25 SFCC members for a brief car show at Primrose Retirement Village before we departed for a drive to Sioux City. Bill & Lana Kullander thank the SFCC for providing a little extra sunshine to their day and to their fellow residents at Primrose. The route to Sioux

City followed the Outlaw highway along the Nebraska side of the Missouri River to the Palmer Candy Store where everybody bought bags of fresh chocolate goodies. (How sweet it is) We knew dinner plans would be a scramble but we didn’t expect a full house at the Miles Inn, so everyone scattered to the Tastee Inn & Out, Sioux Falls, or the Historic 4th Street area of Sioux City.
Thanks to Bill Clarke for recommending the Historic area where there a several dining options within walking distance.
Bill joined us at the Diving Elk and gave us a history lesson on the restaurant’s namesake I found interesting so I will share. In the early 1900s there was an amusement park near the point where the Sioux River flows into the Missouri River. One of the attractions was a long ramp that led to a platform about 25 feet above the Sioux River. Elk were trained to climb the ramp and dive into the river which became one the biggest attractions at the amusement park. Photos of the Diving Elk and a quick Google search make me a believer.

Watch your email or check the SFCC website for information on June Wheels Turning Tours in addition to Barry’s Tires Burning Tour, which includes tons of options if you like racing events. At the April meeting a representative of Honor Flight invited us to join the Honor Ride on June 13 which is a fund raiser for flying veterans to Washington DC. Following the Honor Ride, Jeff Watkins is leading a Drive & Dine to the golf course in Beaver Creek.