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52nd Annual Big Sky Corvette Meet! (4/14/23)

Several members of our club have expressed interest in attending the upcoming 52nd annual Big Sky Corvette Meet being held in Helena, MT, May 26-29, 2023. If there is enough club interest we may be able to arrange for a group trip out to Helena, which would be super fun. For more information on the event, follow the link below which will take you to the event website with all of the details you may be looking for.

Mike Skiles will be following up with those that have interest. Either contact Mike directly or drop a note to and we will make sure Mike gets the message. We can have more discussion on this at the Drive & Dine to Madison on April 11 or at the April 26 General Membership meeting.

Additionally, direct contact with the event can be made by reaching out to Becky Baumann at (406)442-8114 or Peggy Justensen (406)438-2916.


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