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Thanks! Gracias! Danke! There are really not enough words to thank the great people who are part of our Sioux Falls Corvette Club!

2017 SFCC Members of the Year

Dusty and Kathy Miller more than deserve the honor of 2017 Members of the Year! They order, sort, display, sell and haul our merchandise well as recruit and organize volunteers to work merchandise at events.

You will also find them faithfully organizing a bunch of orange-vested volunteers for the annual Hiway CleanUp event.

Thanks, Dusty and Kathy, for the many ways you help make Sioux Falls Corvette Club great!

As the gavel is passed, we thank outgoing President, Eric Bertrand, for giving his time to help keep SFCC running smoothly. He will remain on the Board another year, serving as Past President. We anticipate another fantastic year as Kay Wagner moves from Vice President into the position of President.

We are extremely proud of our leadership teams, including those who will remain on the Board another year and our new Board Members. Here is your SFCC Board:

President - Kay Wagner

Vice President - Dave Rowe

Treasurer - Lisa Glasgow

Secretary - Cindy Kersbergen

Sgt at Arms - Ron Kersbergen

Historian - BJ Glasgow

BHCC - Kris Haase

Merchandise- Dusty and Kathy Miller

Spring Car Show - Doug and Elaine Cherry

NCCC- Barry Konken

Spring Rally - Glen and Mick Hofer

Chips- Connie Gilbride

Cindy Kersbergen - Secretary

Mike Gilbride (non-voting) - Membership Ambassador

THANKS from Children's Inn for the donations you made at the Banquet! Many Christmas gifts and daily needed items were supplied through your generosity!

We definitely have THANKS MULTIPLED, including thanks for the friendships we have made through the Sioux Falls Corvette Club!

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