Resolution 606SCR 606 is a Resolution that commends Automotive Enthusiasts in South Dakota! Click on the PDF to read the full resolution
CELEBRATE BLACK HILLS CORVETTE CLASSICCome to celebrate with the entire SFCC on August 11 at our Post Classic Picnic. It has become customary to celebrate the team effort it...
JULY-AUGUST WHEELS TURNING EVENTS Here are the events we have planned for July & August. Join us for one or all if you can. July 24 Hot Classic Nights sponsored by...
SFCC CHARTER MEMBERS Congratulations to Chuck Wiese, Tom & Shelia Reding, Joe & Laural Dose, Ron & Cindy Kersbergen, and Bill & Lana Kullander for making...
WELCOME NEW MEMBERSWriting the articles welcoming new members has been an interesting experience. Maybe you have noticed that our new members have very...
Welcome New Members!Welcome to the Sioux Falls Corvette Club membership. We’re happy to welcome each of you as new members and we all hope to get to know...
WHEEL TURING TOURS IN MAY in ReviewHow sweet it is... and Elk Diving? May kicked off with the well-attended Spring Rally featuring two very interesting courses both ending...
May's Wheels Turning Tour EventsMay 11 and May 15 I’ll call our first Drive & Dine to Waddy’s in Hudson a success…at least for the local car washes. Twenty eight SFCC...