FROM THE PREZHappy New Year and welcome to the 2019 edition of the SFCC ! I’m looking forward to an exciting year. Welcome to our new Board members...
Our Past President Goes NationalYes...Past Prez, Kaye Wagner, goes national as she joins the National Corvette Museum Board. Congrats, Kaye! Here is a recent article...
WE LOVE OUR HIGHWAYS!2018 Fall Adopt-A-Highway Greetings fellow Club members. With trash safely secured in my pickup, and no volunteers left behind in the ...
FALL COLOR RUNFall Color Run Snow on October 14 didn’t discourage 60+ SFCC members and friends from attending the River Run/Fall Color Run. Thank you...
SUPPORTING JUSTICE FOR JESSIIn June of 2017, Jessi Anderson, granddaughter of SFCC members, Wayne and Mary Lour Anderson, died in an ATV accident. At our Septermber...
DRONE CAPTURES VIEW OF VETTES!Thanks to the Nordstrom family (and Ricardo Garza) for taking these fantastic aerial views of our Corvette Caravan heading out to...
THE NUT DOESN'T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE!The title of this article is often used as a joke, but in this case it is written as a sincere compliment to the Nordstrom Family,...
DRIVE AND DINE TO SEE THESE BEAUTIES!The most recent Drive and Dine, Mike Skiles took us on a trip to Jim Dean's Car Collection in Sioux Center, Iowa. Take a look at some of...