Check out just a small sampling of all the events put on by the Sioux Falls Corvette Club:
Spring Car Show
Spring Road Rally
Hi-Way Cleanup
After Classic Party
Autocross Events
Fall Banquet
Day Trips/ Cruises
Monthly Meetings / Drive & Dines / Meetings In Motion
Black Hills Corvette Classic
Track Day at local road course racetrack
Corvette Car Show​
Many of these events are free or included as a benefit to Members of the SFCC! Get together with your fellow Corvette enthusiasts at these and many other events offered by us or by many other clubs around the US.
Enjoy reports from other club members on the various national activities they’ve attended. FAQs:
What is the purpose of the SFCC? -The Sioux Falls Corvette Club is a civic organization of Corvette enthusiasts located in Sioux Falls, SD which promotes fellowship and activities with local Corvette lovers and with neighboring chapters.
What activities do the members participate in? – We are a very social bunch. In addition to monthly meetings and various events to drive our cars, the SFCC hosts the Black Hills Corvette Classic (BHCC) each year in and around Spearfish, SD the 3rd week in July.
Does the SFCC benefit any other organizations? – The club cleans up 2 miles of highway south of Sioux Falls twice per year and the club generates revenues for charitable giving from funds made from the BHCC, most recently to the American Legion Post #15.
Do you have to own a Corvette to belong to the SFCC? – No, any Corvette enthusiast can be a member of the SFCC.
Is the SFCC only active during the warmer months? – The SFCC is active year around although many members only drive their cars during the warmer months.
Who belongs to the SFCC? – We have members of all driving ages and all walks of life. Many SFCC members have become friends beyond just the club meetings and events.
Why should I join the SFCC? – If you enjoy spending time with Corvette enthusiasts, making new friends, and belonging to a club to have fun, the Sioux Falls Corvette Club is for you.
How much does it cost? – Club fees are $130 per year for couples and $105 per year for singles.